SpecFic on the Web

SpecFic on the Web

Interested in science fiction, fantasy and other speculative fiction? The specfic fiction community in Australia is friendly, supportive and well worth getting involved with. Find out who’s doing what in your local area – I promise they don’t bite! (That’s the vampire fic writers…)  Want to write and publish your own speculative fiction? You’ll also find information about publication possibilities.

Want to find other fantasy worlds on the web?

Do you love the covers of Harlequin’s Riddle and Columbine’s Tale? For incredible fantasy art visit Nadia Turner, artist.

To find some of the best fantasy authors in Australia, visit Odyssey Books.

Amazing Odyssey authors:

Find your new favourite books with these authors…

Rachel Nightingale – appearances

Laura E. Goodin

Isobel Blackthorn

Vacen Taylor

Carolyn Denman

Tash Turgoose

Kathryn Gossow

Elizabeth Foster

Elizabeth Jane Corbett

Tracy M. Joyce

Mawson the Bear

Specfic gatherings in Australia

A great way to meet spec fic authors is to head along to a convention. We’re lucky to have a number of these every year in different parts of Australia.

The Canberra Speculative Fiction Guild

Conflux – Canberra’s annual speculative fiction convention

Continuum – Melbourne’s annual speculative fiction convention

Swan Con – Perth’s annual speculative fiction convention

Publication Possibilities

Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine