My Mandala Journey
When someone says to you ‘I’ve been looking for a writer’, you might be about to begin an intriguing journey. For me that journey took me into the heart of the mandala. My exploration was intriguing and deeply moving. Ultimately, it led to a beautiful book of which I’m very proud. It also led to an enduring friendship.
A Lucky Outing
A number of years ago I decided to follow the Dandenong Ranges Open Studios trail. Once a year, artists throughout the hills to the east of Melbourne open up their secret, sacred studio spaces. They invite errant adventurers to dive deep into creativity and imagination. For me this adventure opened the door to exploring the power of mandala art.

Mandala Magic
Karen Scott ( had her Mandala Magic studio open that day. Karen has painted mandalas for over 30 years. Her deep exploration of these sacred circles has taken her all over the world. Along the way she has met the Dalai Lama and conducted mandala-themed tours in Asia and Europe. She has studied Jungian psychology, Buddhism and sacred mysticism.Suffice it to say, Karen is very in tune with her intuition. Luckily for me, the day I wandered into her studio, something prompted her to say ‘I’ve been looking for a writer’.
At that stage I wasn’t a published author, only an aspiring one with dreams. Maybe, as I fell into the stunning mandalas at Karen’s studio, my dream resonated with hers. Karen wanted to write a book encapsulating her wisdom, and her experience with this beautiful art form. Something told her I was the person to write it with her.
Beginning the Journey
Our book journey began with a number of long conversations. Karen told me about her personal mandala story, beginning with the first mandala she created as a teenager, before she even knew what they were. This process had a profound impact on her at a difficult time in her life, opening her eyes to the magic of mandalas. Creating and sharing mandalas became her life mission.
Karen also spoke about her experiences travelling the world learning about mandalas and the spiritual traditions they sit alongside. The depth of knowledge and wisdom she holds is extraordinary. She invited me to take part in a mandala workshop and I created my first ever mandala (below…).

Hearing Mandala Stories
For the next stage, Karen introduced me to her students. Karen has taught hundreds of people how to make personal mandalas. During a series of interviews, I was privileged to hear extraordinary stories of transformation and discovery. I learned about the magic of mandalas through these stories. Time and time again people spoke about how the mandala experience was a catalyst for change when they were struggling with life’s difficulties. Creating a mandala truly offers a meditative journey towards recovering your authentic self. These stories make fascinating reading.
Bringing it All Together
Once all the research was complete, the writing and editing process began. Karen selected many beautiful mandalas to illustrate the magical stories. Some were her own. Others were the powerful images created by her students. I taught myself In Design specifically to bring words and pictures together in one coherent design. It was finally done.
Now all that is left to do is to celebrate!

Mandala: Journeys within the Circle will be released by Publisher Obscura on 17 March 2020. It will retail for $24.95 (paperback). Pre-orders are available now: or via Amazon.
The book will be launched at Habitat, in Hawthorn (2 Minona St), on Saturday 18th April at 2pm. Mandalas from the book will be on display. We would love for you to celebrate with us.