Finding the humour in living with a tumour
Last year I interviewed an author every month. For 2019 I’ve decided to shift my focus from writers to artists for a bit of a change of scene. Today I’m excited to introduce Jai, whose weekly comics offer insight into living with a brain tumour. With plenty of humour as well as fantastic illustrations, Jai’s work is definitely worth following. (I’ll put links below to the usual social media.) Jai is unable to work, and his tumour is unable to be completely removed, which means future medical issues are not a question of if, but when. So if you enjoy his comics, please consider supporting him on Patreon:
I’ll let Jai introduce himself:
Do you like cancer? Do you like comics? If you answered yes to both of these then I’m a little worried about you. I’m Jai and I have a brain tumour! Most of the time I’m healthy and happy, but I’ve fought my cancer off twice now with various combinations of chemo, surgery and radiotherapy. My tumour can never be fully removed (with current science anyway) so round three is coming but I don’t know when. To deal with all this I began creating the webcomic Tumour Humour. Through this comic I try to shine a light on some of the experiences many will never have the displeasure to encounter.
Tell us about your art – what does it involve?

I predominately write and draw comics inspired by personal experience, mostly about my brain tumour.
What are you aiming to achieve with the art you create?
I want to spread awareness about what it’s like dealing with cancer and give people the opportunity to laugh in the face of such a horrible thing.
What is the role of art in your life?
The comics specifically have been a huge cathartic release for me. To demystify tumours and cancer not only for others but myself also. Due to the ongoing side effects after having chemo and radiotherapy I am unable to work so art has filled up a lot of my life.
How have you come to be doing what you are doing – the particular approach/style you use?
I almost exclusively work in the digital realm. I love the way I can always edit my mistakes and produce effects I could never do with traditional media. I have always loved using solid lines to depict my subjects (despite art school trying to steer me away from this) and enjoy Japanese ukioe prints as well as a lot of illustrative art. Making comics is the perfect outlet for emulating these styles.
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If cancer has impacted your life please consider supporting Jai’s artwork. You can find his website here, his Facebook page here, and his Instagram account here.